Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Miles is Half a Year Old

I can't believe that in the same amount of time since Miles was born until now, he will be one year old! Baby, slow down. Miles has been just so much fun I wish I could slow time. I most definitely look forward to every new day that I get to spend with him and with Lydia!

Some things that I want to remember about Miles at this time:

He now, sleeps better on his BACK! Weird.
He has a smile that will honestly melt, and I mean MELT your heart.
He loves banging things and drumming his hands on things (it seems like it is usually his left hand.)
Sleeps really well. He does not need to be held or rocked, although he loves it! He is one a pretty good schedule. He's been almost like clockwork pretty much since the day he was born.
Loves eating food. He will eat far better from the spoon than the bottle. He has tried avocados, sweet potatoes, pears, plums, and squash (which he actually didn't seem to love.)
He's discovered using his voice. He says Buh Buh....and Da Da Da a lot. I can now take advantage of this because when he is upset and crying, he usually says, "Da da da da da..." and I can pass the buck to Chris because Miles is "calling" for him. :)
Miles is Lydia's biggest fan! He seriously loves almost everything she does.
I love hearing Miles kick his legs because it sounds almost like little footsteps running. I just love hearing it and watching him kick because it is adorable!
He can now sit up on his own for quite some time.

He weighs in at 17.9 lbs. and each of those pounds are packed with chubby, cute little man adorableness! I just love him. His facial expressions make me laugh and his little personality is so much fun to discover!

Love his cuddles!

Lydia was so tickled by this. He's such a good sport.

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