Friday, November 16, 2012

Camping Mom's Birthday/Labor Day

We went camping for Mom's birthday and it happened to be Labor Day weekend! We had planned on going up on Friday
Just gotta love the S'more faces! cute Gabriel and Lydia

My little peach enjoying her fresh peaches and cream.

And the silliness.
You would have never guessed that it was a down pour over our heads in these last two pictures. Grandpa showed his skills as he made a huge rain shelter over almost our entire campground! Nicolette and Ryan left that day in fear of the rain and William was sick and their air mattress was flat. So we missed them during our adventure. Water was seeping in at every turn! It did finally clear up and the weather was much more bearable because the rain cooled it down and it also cleared out all those ANNOYING tiny gnats! We avoided the mud by going on some beautiful drives and then got out and hiked occasionally. It was a very enjoyable weekend away.

Looks like she is wishing on a cloud...or maybe day dreaming...probably both. This was a beautiful little view that we came upon.

Off for another little adventure.

What a fun family picture! Dirty hair. Dirty clothes. In the rain. Silly faces. Love it!

My talented little 4 month old! LOVE love love this kid! (Notice my Dad's collection of ropes hanging on the tree. This is why we can camp in the middle of a huge rainstorm and still be fine! He's got handiness hidden everywhere! )

Lydia reminded me of myself as a little girl when she got so tickled to sleep up in the bunk bed in the trailer. This is what we woke up to.

Sleeping Miles = Adorable little man.

Lydia and her Auntie Rachie (whom she adores, but drives insane...)

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