Sunday, November 25, 2012

Baby Boy Seven Months

Miles Matthew Bennett
Seven Months Old
 Miles just turned Seven Months old. He is so excited at the new things that he has discovered:

Two new teeth (bottom)
Grabbing everything in front of him
Eating a bigger variety of foods (He hardly drinks his bottle any more, so I've started even just grinding up things that we are having at dinner and feeding it to him.)
Still endures a cough....? Wish he'd get over that!
Is a VERY light sleeper! But seems to sleep better with background noise.
CANNOT keep a shoe on his left foot.
Has had his first haircut!
Takes about three naps a day.
Loves music.
Loves jumping!
Loves bath time!
Uses the toilet almost every day.
Still loves to cuddle. Sleeps much better when snuggled up with someone...this is always fun, but unfortunate at the same time....
He will let you know if he is ready or not for nap time. Usually if he is going to take a nap, he is happy as can be to lay down in his crib and drift off shortly. If he is not wanting to sleep, he will not give in easily and it is best to figure out what it is he really needs.
He definitely know how to say, "Da-da."  (although he doesn't associate with anything yet.) And he really loves saying it! He also like "Ta-ta-ta-ta..."
Loves getting spoken to or played with or any kind of attention (getting looked at...)

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE him and I feel so happy to have him in our family! He really adds so much! His facial expressions will tell you story and you won't want to take your eyes off of him!

Sad day! Since he hasn't had many of his immunizations, he got three in this leg.

And two in this one...
 He was very cute at the doctor's office. Lydia, of course, talked the Doctor's ear off. Miles was hesitant the whole time and wasn't a big fan of the whole thing. It just about brought me to tears when he had to get his shots. After the first stick, he just looked at me, didn't cry yet, just looked at me as if to say, "You have a part in this???" and then with the second prick, he cried....and continued to, but not for long after I was finally able to pick him back up. I just felt so terrible, like I had betrayed him or something.. :(
He is in the 50th percentile for weight at 18 lbs.
The 20th percentile for height at ....shoot, I can't remember....

He is really getting stronger in his legs. Aunt Rachel is pretty much his girlfriend right now....

He is getting good at moving one foot in front of the other! Slow Down there Kid!

Just thought he'd shed the jack and settle in for a nice Sunday nap.

He has got to be the most handsome little boy in the world! Don't tell me you don't just want to kiss those darling little cheeks!!!

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