Saturday, February 9, 2008

We went to a formal dance this friday and it was great fun! We got all dressed up and they provided dinner and there was a live band playing great music. It was wonderful to fall in love with each all over again. Well we do pretty much every day! But this was especially fun to dance with each other and enjoy ourselves and each other.

This picture is kind of blurry, but that is the live band that was there.

Oh yah! Brindy won the trophy for best looking and best dancer there! :) not really, she just likes to think she did. Hopefully she did in Chris's eyes any way!

1 comment:

The Rich's said...

Brindy you are so CUTE! I love you sister! I have been meaning to tell you that you are so talented! We listen to your song that you recorded for Chris and the kids and I LOVE IT! The other day we heard the song you sang on the radio in the car. Garrett asked if it was you and I said no he said yea we need to listen to her at home. When we got home we listened to you (your version is much better)!Love you!