Saturday, February 9, 2008

Presenting: Spanish Fork Light Show featured for Hannah and Garrett Rich

I'm putting these pictures on here for Garrett and Hannah Rich! They said that they liked the lights on temple square so I thought I'd show them these too. We got to go to a light show here in Spanish fork.
Look at this guy blowing the snow flakes from his mouth!
There were cowboys and skiiers....

and Princess castles and snowflakes!
I hope you enjoyed the light show Hannah and Garrett. Have a good day!
Love Aunt Brindy and Uncle Chris

1 comment:

The Rich's said...

Thank you! Very Much! We loved the lights.
"My favorite was the princess castle. I am a princess"-Hannah.
"My favorite was the cowboy. I want to wear a hat and shoot my gun"-Garrett.
They sure did love looking at those cool lights! Thanks Aunt Brindy and Uncle Chris-Marcella