Sunday, January 27, 2008

Frosty the Bennett Snowman

This is our beautiful Bennett Snowman. It was almost 9:00 p.m. when it was snowing. We were out playing in it and having a blast. Amanda, one of the girls at the Village was the only one that was brave enough to come celebrate the snow with us. She was throwing snowballs and everything it was so fun! Then when it was 9:00, she went in and we had family prayer, but afterwards Becky, Chris and I were back out enjoying the peaceful beauty of this first fallen snow. We made snow angels and had snowball fights. Chris and Becky both wanted to go inside, but I insisted that we make a snow man while the snow was still good. I had never really made a WHOLE snowman before! They both went inside leaving me to make this snowman...I don't think they thought that I would really stay and make it if they went inside, but ha! After about ten minutes they were both back out there helping make this snowman. It turned out so good, I was so proud!


The Rich's said...

Hey nice addition to the family!

The Rich's said...

We loved your snowman. He was so funny. We loved his hat and his candle nose.
Love Garrett and Hannah