Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cove Fort Toys

Funny Story: On our way home from Phoenix, we decided we'd stop at Cove Fort near Fillmore, UT. Brindy had never been there and thought that it would be interesting to visit. We watched an interesting movie on the Hinckley's (they founded the fort) and then received a tour from a nice older sister missionary. Upon the end of our tour she proceeded to give us a toy that they make themselves at Cove Fort. There is a picture of it to the right. She could not get the toy to work (it is supposed to work somewhat like a yo-yo). So Chris, in his determined ways asked her to let him give it a try. She handed it to him and then pulled another one out of her pocket and demonstrated to me how it worked. As she explained the symbolism this toy had in relation to the gospel and Jesus Christ, but right in the middle of her spiritual message we hear a loud POP! I turned to Chris with a questioning look. He had a confused look on his face and was rubbing his forhead, "OOOWWW!" he groaned. The toy that he supposedly finally got working had snapped in half and so half of the wood piece flew and smacked him in the forehead! It hit him pretty hard because it swelled up and actually broke the skin. He hates me because I could not stop laughing. But if you were there and heard the little old sister missionary just doting Chris with concern and seeing Chris's bump and his was hysterical.

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