Saturday, September 15, 2012

Miles Blessing July 15. 2012

Miles sportin the white suit! What a cute boy!

Miles enjoying some time with his Daddy! Father and son on one special day.

Running around and falling down...sounds like great fun!

We finally found something that they all would do without arguing too terribly! Put on some music and let them dance!

Lydia driving William crazy again! :) She has good intentions, wanting to help and all, but it usually results in Will crying and panicking for his momma.
Chris gave Miles a beautiful blessing and he is now known on the records of the church as my handsome little Miles Matthew! He whimpered a bit through the blessing, but not loud at all. It was exciting to see my two boys up there together. We had Nic and Ryan family and Ben and Brittany  family come to take part of event. There was also Eric and Brittany (Rachel's fan club) that came. We all had dinner together afterward and had a good time visiting while the kids played (argued and through fits, but played some what! haha). We had some roast and rolls and salad. We were so worried we weren't going to have enough meat, but it worked out perfect and there was enough for everyone and very little left-overs.

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