Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some Missed Info

Miles at two and a half weeks old. I truly am filled with love for this little boy! How my life has been blessed having him.

Lydia loves to give her little brother loves. Especially on her shoulder like this. I think it makes her feel like a big girl.

This was my favorite little jammies of his the first couple of weeks. He just looked so handsome in the color and it had my name on it and spoke the truth! : "My Mommy loves me."

Is he not beautiful!!?? Wow, my son. I just love this picture of him.

This has to be one of the best things about having a newborn. I just love swaddling them up so snuggly, they love it and it is just so sweet to see them comforted so.

Miles did not like his first bath.  5/9/2012

These are some documentations of Miles's life that I haven't posted yet because of the daunting task of posting about our trip...I know...lame excuse. Shame on me.
Well I am trying to catch up now, sorry Miles, you are loved no less, I promise you this!

The biggest struggles Miles's first three weeks here:
Driving (obviously)
Nursing (sadly, but honestly, before formula, I don't know how my children would have survived. I gave it a much more determined and much more diligent try this time than I did with Lydia, and still I was unsuccessful past two months.)
Keeping him safe from Lydia (Lydia loves him to pieces, but she has some sort of misunderstanding in how to show that love! She wants so badly to be capable of doing the things that I do with him, i.e. holding him, changing him, feeding him, playing peek-a-boo, etc. and yet she can't. Some of these things she is capable of doing and I would love for her to do them, but the problem is that I can't trust her. She refuses to follow my guidance when I instruct her how to hold him properly and how to play softly. It's as if she thinks she knows more than I do and all she wants is to prove that to me...does this sound like a teenager to you?! ...ya, me too. And so I am at a loss on how to handle her. I want her to help and I want her to have a connection with Miles, and yet she insists on mistreating him, not out of anger or violence, but out of love and rough play..)

Other than these...Miles has been nothing but a bundle of love entering our hearts! 

1 comment:

Ali said...

Oh Brindy I'm so sorry for your nursing woes. I really understand that. Do you just not make enough milk?? Sorry that can get really emotional and exhausting, all of that!!!!