Thursday, May 10, 2012

Miles Matthew Bennett 4.11.12

 The day Miles was born was incredible! I debate on how much detail I want to include on a blog, but I know I enjoy reading about other people's experiences so I will record most of it here.

We got there early in the morning and they started my antibiotics and an hour later they turned on the pitocin. I had chosen to be induced because I did not want my new little baby to come into a world in quite so much chaos as that of the week of finals, moving and graduation. I was very nervous about being induced. I had already set my mind to completing this labor without the numbing effects of an epidural and having to be induced really made me nervous.

Any way, they turned on the pitocin around 8:45 a.m. I started feeling the contractions almost immediately! Not long after they started the pitocin, however, they came in and decided to turn it off because the baby was not responding well. His heart rate did not look impressive and the midwife was concerned. They waited for several hours waiting to hear what the OBGYN advised and then finally decided to try the pitocin one more time and see what happens. So around 3:00 p.m., they started the pitocin back up, going a little bit slower this time. They checked to see how far along in labor I was and found me to be only one centimeter dilated (so much of this sounds a lot like my labor with Lydia...). The baby seemed to do just fine this time around. They kept pestering me about the dang monitors and keeping them where they could monitor the baby at all times, which was difficult with being up and walking around. I started to be quite uncomfortable around 6:30. The nurse checked me again at 7:00 p.m. and I was still only dilated to 3 centimeters. I had 7 more to go!?
The contractions really started to come strong and closer together. Soon I was beginning to panic a little. I knew that not very much time had passed since she said I was only 3 centimeters dilated, but I was in quite a lot of pain! I thought that if I had to endure that for hours more, I didn't know if I could do it. I fought to control my breathing and relax as much as possible. Chris was a great support and did everything he knew how to do. It was a beautiful experience for us to do this together.
I started to realize what it meant when women talk about "the need to push". This was something entirely different than what I had expected. It literally is a need to push. I could not control it. My body was taking over and I had little say in what was happening now. I asked the nurse if it was normal to kind of feel like it was pushing. She then began to insist that I get back in bed. I stood up to get back in bed and my water broke and I knew that my baby was coming fast!
I hurried into bed as suddenly my room was full of nurses that came rushing in from I don't even know where! My nurse had announced that I was crowning. This was the part of labor that I could not have anticipated. It was an extraordinary feeling! I remember starting to feel so afraid. I didn't know what to do and how to handle what was happening. I couldn't stop it. I could feel my baby coming and I wasn't sure what was going on in my body! The nurses kept telling me not to push, and I had no idea how to stop myself from preventing the baby from coming. Chris was wonderful and encouraging and stayed with me the entire time. One nurse finally looked me in the eye and told me that she was going to be delivering my baby because the midwife had not yet arrived at the hospital. She instructed me to do short quick breaths and he would be out with one more contraction. With her telling me what was going to happen, I could bring my thoughts back to ground and focus. Next thing I knew I was looking at my baby! He was right there in front of my eyes and I watched as he took his first breath, they leaned him over me and I could see the cord connecting the two of us. It almost made me sad to see that connection be disconnected. They then took him over to the warming lights and did the little tests they do and brought him straight back to me and placed him in my arms! (It was now 8:00 p.m., in one hour, I went from being dilate to 3 centimeters to having a baby in my arms!) Chris and I got to hold our brand new son together for as long as we wanted. It was beautiful! It is indescribable, the feelings that I had at that moment. I was filled with love. Love for my dear husband. Love for my new baby. And love from Heavenly Father.

 We decided to let Lydia come in and see him that night. She was thrilled and so cute. She loves loves her little brother and I am so pleased to be a mother of two now!
 Excuse the blurryness, our camera broke not long ago and has trouble focusing...

 Lydia and her baby brother, Miles. 

 What a handsome little Mr. 

 The Masner crew came to see us at the hospital. So glad they came. 

 The Stevenses also came to see us in the hospital. Sad that this was the last time we'd see them before we moved. We didn't know that at that time. 

 She loves him very much. Adores him. And smothers him!
 We got home from the hospital and found this when we went to unload the little chicklets, this is how we found them. 

I just love this picture! Such father pride, looking at his tiny son.


Jacie Saltzman said...

oh i love reading birth stories! you are amazing! such a crazy last month it seems like you had, and yet- u did it! i dont know how. haha but dang girl! Miles is so precious! congrats! so you didnt end up having an epidural? i want to hear more details

Ali said...

WOW that is awesome. Baby out in 1 hour! I hope it goes like this for my #2! Hope all is well!

Unknown said...

Loved reading your updates and pictures. I cant believe you guys are gone, we miss you but hope you are doing well. Happy Mothers Day (because today is mothers day)!